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Alpha - Cross


*Objective - To form words and outscore opponents point total

*Plays with 7 cards, 2+ player


Players are dealt cards face down. Remaining card pile is set aside for additional drawing. Play begins with player clockwise from dealer.


First player begins by laying down word and receiving point value for total, they then draw from the unused card pile to replenish hand to 7 cards. Next player must make a word intersecting and using a letter from the previously played word (extensions to first word are not allowed),

receiving point value for that word's total, and replenishing hand to 7 cards. The cards from the first word are then removed and placed in a used card pile, leaving only the second word.


Play continues to next player, repeating actions of building an intersecting word, scoring, replenishing hand and removing previous word to used card pile. If a player can not form a word, they must discard all cards in hand to the used card pile and redraw 7 cards from the unused card pile. Play continues through the entire deck, with the winner determined by point total at the end of play


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