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Pile 1        Pile 2             Pile 3    

Alpha - Gin


*Objective - To be the first to make a 5 card equation

*Plays with 5 cards, 2+ players 


Set Up

Deal each player 5 cards face down. Place the rest of the deck face down. Turn the top card face up and place it next to the deck, this is the discard pile.


Game Play

Each player, in turn, p, or, picks up the top card from either the face down deck or the discard pile. They can then choose to either keep that card in their hand and discard another card, or, discard that card face up onto the discard pile. At the end of each turn, players should have 5 cards in hand.

Play now moves to the next player who again chooses either the top card from the discard pile or the next face down card. Play continues until one player "wins" by discarding a card and laying down a complete 5 card equation. Play to set # of games.

Numeric - Solitaire


*Objective - To form equations and use all cards in the    deck - Total = 225 points


*Set Up

Separate the deck into 3 face down piles

Pile 1 consist of all plus, minus, divide and multiply cards

Pile 2 consists of all equals and greater than / less than cards

Pile 3 consists of all number cards 0-9


Place the 3 piles face down in front of you in the pictured configuration (a)


Game Play starts by picking the top 7 cards from the "all numbers" card pile (Pile 3). This becomes your playing hand.

Flip over the top card from the "all plus, subtract, multiply and divide"

pile. and the top card from the "all equals and greater than / less than" pile. (b)

Use any of the 7 cards in your hand to create an equation, placing cards from your hand between the flipped cards (c)


Scoop up all 5 cards from the equation created and sort them into piles, all numbers in one pile and remaining cards in a used card pile. These number cards will be added together to determine your score for the hand.

Pick 3 new cards from Pile 3 (all numbers) and place them in your hand. Flip over the top cards from Pile 1 (+, -, \, x ) and Pile 2 

( =, <, > ). Make another equation using cards from your hand, scoop these cards up, sort them and set them out of the way and repeat. Play continues until an equation can not be made or the number card pile runs out.



Total the sum of the played number cards which were sorted and set aside. This is your score for the hand.  It is possible to make it all the way through the deck. If you are able to use all cards it is a perfect game and scores 225 points.



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